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Acoustic biologging

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  • Biosonar behavior of dolphins and porpoises can be observed by the minuature version fo A-tag, which can be attached on the animal by a suction cup. Dolphins and porpoises are able to sense underwater objects using ultrasonic pulses just like a fish echosounders. A-tag records the sound source direction to separate own or other phonation as well as the received intensity of each click sound.
  • The A-tag was designed robust enough to work on the swimming animal. It has sufficient pressure and water resistant ability. MMT has long experience to develop such compact and tough devices.
  • Scientific papers using A-tag can be found HERE.


MMT Inc.

Email: support@mmtcorp.co.jp

Address: 4-12-1-102, Takakura, Iruma 358-0021, Saitama

TEL +81-4-2965-4127
FAX +81-4-2965-6642

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